Sacramento Journalist Taking Leave Following Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Sacramento CapRadio Insight Host Vicki Gonzalez is taking a leave of absence after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Vicki posted a message to her professional Facebook page to share her battle with the audience.

“There’s really no way to ease into this. At least not for me. So, here we go.

Two days after my 40th birthday, I found a lump in my breast. I went to the doctor the very next day. And that discovery expanded into six biopsies across both breasts — which I learned is quite a lot.

When the doctor called with the results they said it was a mixed diagnosis.

But the headline that immediately shaped my life is that I have breast cancer that spread to my lymph nodes.

Frankly, I had a false sense of security when it came to breast cancer — because of my age and also because breast cancer doesn’t run in either side of my family.

I am supposedly “healthy” on paper – free of underlying health conditions and normal lab work.

When I expressed to the doctor that my diagnosis felt rare given my age and health, they quickly interjected and went on to explain that every week they have people in their 20s and 30s getting diagnosed with breast cancer.
Every week.

Health care can be excruciatingly frustrating and expensive for too many people. And the weight of barriers is often scaled according to a societal formula of income, class, race, ethnicity, immigration status, language, ableism, as well as sexual and gender identity. It can be far from an environment that nourishes putting your health first.

I am sharing my cancer diagnosis with a larger message: When possible, get screenings and checkups. Urge the same of loved ones. Talk about it. And please, advocate for yourself if something feels off. Even bring the compassionate backup of a loved one who can ask questions you might not think of and take notes while you’re just trying to take it all in, as the flood of information tries to swallow you up whole.
Breast cancer will not become my dark tunnel. I face this knowing there is still a great deal to look forward to in my life. And I soak in all the warmth and beauty and love there is to offer. So much love.

I am in good hands. Talk soon.”