Off Camera Header 2021

Governors’ Election – Have You Voted?

The Ballot for 13 seats on the Board of Governors’ was emailed to members on May 15th.  If you did not receive a ballot, please contact the Academy Office at  Last day to submit your ballot is June 2nd.

You can vote for up to 13 of the 16 candidates running for the term starting July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023.  Link to view bios

* Indicates Incumbent

Sara Bourbeau

Susan A Bradley *

Erika Bratten

Shane Calvert *

Riley Carroll *

Troy Espera *

Devin Fehely

Gerard Elmore

Raul Lima *

David Santiago Machuca

Mike Moya *

Jose Muñoz

Doug Siebum

Jefferson Tyler *


Bianca Von Krieg

Julie Watts





























































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