Former NATAS Governor and Emmy® Gala Chair Fights ALS

By Karen Sutton

“The day I heard the words, ‘you have ALS’ changed my life forever! My identity changed in an instant.

I have been living with ALS for the past 2 years and although the science is moving faster than ever before, with more genes being discovered, more clinical trials, and earlier diagnosis, it’s not fast enough. 

I’m asking you to help me reach my fundraising goal and support the vision of a world without ALS. 

Every 90 minutes someone is diagnosed with ALS and every 90 minutes someone passes away. Your gift will lead ALS Golden West to discover treatments and ultimately cures for ALS. 

No amount is too small in this effort, I promise!”

Click here to donate – 2023 East Bay Walk to Defeat ALS, Sat Oct 28