Finance Chair: 2024-2025
Governors’ Service Medallion 1995
National Trustee: 2022-2024
Treasurer 2018-2022
National Trustee: 1995-1999, 2004-2008, 2012-2016, 2017-2021
National Alternate Trustee: 2000-2002, 2003-2004
Creating Critical Viewers: 1992-2000
Education Chair: 19999-2001, 2002-2008
Student Liaison: 2002-2003
Finance Chair: 2014-2018, 2023-2024
Finance Co-Chair 2022
Governor: 1992-1996, 1997-2001, 2003-2004, 2008-2012, 2015-2018, 2018-2020
Alison Gibson currently serves as the Treasurer for the San Francisco/Northern California chapter of NATAS. Her expertise in budget and production management comes with many years of experience in the Bay Area and abroad. She is the owner of MediaCool and Timeline Productions, two strategic communications companies she founded in 1991 to serve broadcasters, corporations and the legal community. She was chair of the Education Committee for 10 years, and has been honored with the Governors’ Service Medallion.