
Michael Moya










Governors’ Service Medallion 2020

Governor:  2016-17, 2019, 2020-21
Membership Chair:  2017-2019

In 1985 Michael opened one of the only black and white photographic labs and studios in Oakland. MOYAfotografx concentrated on the corporate and commercial media. His partial client’s list include: Safeway, Pacific Telesis, United Parcel Service, Kaiser Permanente, YMCA, AT&T, Southwest Airlines, KBLX Radio, Ruder Finn & Switzer, Contra Costa Bar Association, Easter Seals, and Millers Brewery.

From 1992 to1998 Michael was on the Oakland High School’s Arts Magnate Program Advisory Committee. He developed their first apprenticeship program involving graduate students. The student’s contributed vastly to the technical staff at Moya fotographx. Michael also worked in alliance with Laney College, training and interning Laney’s premier photography students.

In 2008 Michael was hired as instructor of record to develop and teach the Professional Photography Program at Laney College.  As a vocational program Michael’s curriculum is based on lighting and camera capture. Currently, Michael along with the collaboration of Laney’s Media department co- teaches HDSLR workflow for cinema & still photographers. Using the movie capabilities of the DSLR camera based on camera capture and lighting.

As guest lecturer at the San Jose City College photography department Michael hosts lighting workshops as well introduction to digital video.

Michael also volunteers as photographer for the San Francisco NATAS Emmy Awards and the Gold & Silver Awards. He also assisted with the NATAS master lighting class