KCRA Reporter That Puts Fear Into Lawmakers, Makes Top 100 List

KCRA Reporter Ashley Zavala named among the Top 100 influencers around the California State Capitol

KCRA Reporter Ashley Zavala is one of only three reporters to make the Capitol Weekly Top 100 influencers around the California State Capitol this year. 

It’s the 15th list put out by the Nonpartisan, nonprofit news outfit targeting California government and politics. 

With their 91st pick, Capitol Weekly describes Zavala with one colorful metaphor. 

“Ashley Zavala of KCRA has rapidly built a reputation as what some of us call an “oh sh*t” reporter. Because as one staffer told me, if you see her in the hallways of the Capitol heading toward your door, your first thought is “oh sh*t.” Zavala has become that reporter, the one who doesn’t soft-pedal questions or shy away from tough subjects. She regularly breaks stories that put lawmakers on the spot, and it’s fair to say a lot of folks in the building don’t like her.”