Laney Photography Dual Enrollment Program Recognized as a “Distinguished California Partnership Academy” by the California Department of Education

The Laney Photography Dual Enrollment program that partners with the Fremont High Media Academy was recognized as a “Distinguished California Partnership Academy” by the California Department of Education.

Fremont High Media Academy is one of the four OUSD high schools that participate in the college Dual Enrollment photography program that is offered at Laney College and taught by Laney Photography instructor Michael Moya. Michael has been teaching Professional Photography for 16 years. In 2015 he was an active NATAS governor and created the NATAS HeadShot service that is offered to NATAS members. Michael continues his service contributing photography services for the Emmy and Gold and Silver events annually.

Laney College offers an extensive program in both Media and Photography offering a vocational curriculum for students to pursue a professional career or continue with their higher education. This program has been expanded to local high schools offering the college credit courses through the Laney Dual Enrollment program.

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